HELP! Used cold sore home remedy and my whole lip is swollen!? - swollen lip remedy
Yesterday I started a cold sore, and buy no money to Abreva, I decided to try home remedies. I have some important events in a few days when we really need is gone. I tried to ice and was somewhat smaller. I tried the toothpaste and salt. And this morning I cut a little garlic and pressed against the cold sores. It was stinging like crazy, so I thought I was working. But now I have garlic in my upper lip swollen and sore /, the size of a marble! What should I do?
Swollen Lip Remedy HELP! Used Cold Sore Home Remedy And My Whole Lip Is Swollen!?
1:41 AM
leave him alone. Are you allergic to garlic, by chance? Just to ask.
When the swelling goes down and write a lip service, try to put some Listerine on a Q-tip and hold on min coldsores for 5th It is not the cold sores or Denavir Abreva, but a faster Numb somewhat dry and a little bit. You can do this only once per hour, without damaging the skin tissue around the lips. What you had an outbreak so close to an event.
Be very careful and wash your hands after touching you. Make sure you do not have cuts on your hands if you touch it, herpes can spread to other parts of the body (eg Herpes Whitlow hands), eyes, etc.
Please leave earlier, though.
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